Monday, October 22, 2007

My lack of short story ideas and the Viva-less Laughlin

This past week I've struggled with short story ideas. For my short fiction writing class tonight, I was supposed to hand in a short story written in the first person, five to ten pages long, but I failed to produce such a piece of work. I started about ten stories in the past week but I could finish not a one. That's what I'm supposed to be doing now, but the creative girl in me just refuses to surface. I keep drawing blanks...I almost handed in a story I wrote a few months ago but my conscience gave me a kick in the rear so I didn't...this happens to me sometimes. I can go months and months with ideas crawling inside my brain and then WHAM the ideas quit coming. Anyhow...

Viva Laughlin is viva-less. I watched the first episode on Thursday and I have the second one sitting in my DVR but I guess there's no use in watching it as it was cancelled today. Poor Viva Laughlin--it was doomed before it even started. While I admit to loving seeing characters break into song and dance numbers (seriously, I do), Viva Laughlin just didn't gel with me. None of the characters seemed likeable to me and having watched more than my share of 30s and 40s movies (where breaking into song and dance was the norm) I think I'll stick to those as the singing and dancing actually fit. In Viva Laughlin, it all just seemed way too tacky. Goodbye Viva--I won't miss you.

Now back to writing my short story...grrrr.....arghhh....

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