Sunday, September 23, 2007

Show review - Grand Star

[pilot episode aired Sep. 22 on Space TV]

Sigh...this show really wasn't worth my time. The premise (the one I read prior to watching) seemed like it had possibilities for success, but really, I just didn't get glad it was only a half hour show.

This is one of those sci-fi shows, set years in the future with weird props (reminicent of oldschool Star Trek backdrops), weird technology, weird buildings, and weird characters. The main storyline involves a young man (played by Kyle Labine, the brother of the more well-known Tyler Labine) who accidentally sees the sun, but never having seen the sun, has no idea what it is. All he knows is that he had better keep his discovery a secret since the two people who saw it and bragged about it, end up mysteriously dead, probably the misfortunate victims of the government who want the sun to remain a secret for some reason which I don't even care to know about.

I admit that I'm not a sci-fi junkie to begin with but just the same, there have been several sci-fi shows which have managed to gain my liking. Grand Star just isn't one of them.

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